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The Legacy Foundation

A solution for preventing desertification, deforestation and erosion

Written by Steve Troy

Legacy Foundation founder Richard Stanley pioneered, invented tools, and promoted the use of briquette making. Used now in 65+ countries, this premier appropriate technology saves trees, prevents erosion, and desertification by providing a practical alternative to wood for heating and cooking. It substitutes agricultural waste like hulls, husks, corn stalks, grass, leaves, food and livestock waste into a more clean burning and less environmentally compromising fuel source. With over 25 years working with this kind of briquetting, Richard may represent the world's foremost expert in this field.

We started working with Richard more than 15 years ago and recently Sustainable Village started a new project with him to test hemp hurd as a component.

Instead of harvesting wood and carrying it home…

Grind waste,

manually press

or machine press.

Then cook

or heat.

Here is a link for the manual on how to make briquettes:
Products | Legacy Foundation

For technical assistance and training:
Technical Assistance | Legacy Foundation

To donate and help these efforts:
Donate | Legacy Foundation